Bible Party Themes For Preschoolers - Fun Ways to Teach Young Children About God in Sunday School

Everyone likes to have a party! Preschoolers are no exception. You can make learning the Bible fun with some of the party themes outlined below. These are seasonal party ideas that are easy to plan and include devotions that will hopefully have a lasting impression on the little lambs in your church.

Nature Hike Party - Autumn
Purpose: To enjoy God's creation.
Activity: Go on a nature walk and collect flowers, twigs, leaves, pebbles, etc.
Craft: Provide zip-lock bags for each child. Punch a hole in each bag and tie them together with yarn to make a class nature book.
Snack: Trail mix.
Devotion: Review the Creation.

\"Decorated Cookies\"

Noah's Ark Party - Autumn
Purpose: An alternative to a Halloween party.
Activity: Have each child bring in their favorite stuffed animal. Have parents donate any wagons that they have at home for the party. Decorate wagons with crepe paper streamers. Have a parade with the stuffed animals.
Game: Play a CD with animal sounds and let the children tell you what kind of animal it is.
Snack: Animal crackers and milk.
Devotion: Talk about Noah building the ark and how Noah loved and obeyed God.

Bible Party Themes For Preschoolers - Fun Ways to Teach Young Children About God in Sunday School

Christmas Party - Winter
Purpose: Learn the Christmas story.
Activity: Make play dough cakes and decorate them with plastic candles to celebrate Jesus' birthday.
Game: Hide nativity figures around the room. Let the children find them and bring them to the stable.
Snack: Decorated cupcakes, and sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus.
Devotion: Tell the children the Christmas story.

Valentine's Day Party - Winter
Purpose: Show love to family and friends.
Teacher Prep: Make cookies ahead of time. Provide children with icing, plastic knives, sprinkles, and zip-lock sandwich bags.
Activity: Bake and decorate cookies to give to others.
Snacks: Decorated cookies and milk.
Devotion: Discuss how Jesus fed 5,000 people because He loved them very much.

Kite Party - Spring
Purpose: To have fun and enjoy being outdoors.
Activity: Flying kites. Have parents bring kites that either store bought or homemade for the big event.
Snack: Rice cereal treats and fruit punch.
Devotion: Talk about how Jesus calmed a storm (windy).

Easter Party - Spring
Purpose: Celebrating Jesus' resurrection.
Craft: Make musical instruments. String jingle bells of pipe cleaners, put beans in paper towel tubes and cover the ends, plus any other great ideas you have.
Activity: Play instruments and sing Christmas songs that praise Jesus.
Snack: Fruit and crackers with juice.
Devotion: Discuss the triumphal entry of Jesus.

Mother's Day Party - Spring
Purpose: Show love to mothers.
Teacher Prep: Provide cups, dirt, and small flowering plants. Also provide stickers, small pictures of the children, Popsicle sticks, and glue.
Activity: Let children decorate their cups with stickers and plant flowers in them. Glue a picture of each child on a Popsicle stick and push into the dirt beside the plant.
Snack: Cupcakes brightly decorated and juice.
Devotion: Let the children tell you why their love their mothers.

Father's Day Party - Summer
Purpose: Show love to fathers.
Teacher Prep: Cut out tie shapes with knots from construction paper. Punch holes on each side of the knots and string yarn through so dads can wear their ties.
Activity: Let children decorate the ties that they are going to give their dads with crayons and/or stickers.
Snack: Cookies and water.
Devotion: Talk about how much Joseph loved Jesus and took care of him as he grew.

Ice Cream Party - Summer
Purpose: A time for parents, teachers, and children to have fun.
Activity: Make sundaes.
Craft: Make ice cream cones by cutting out circles from a variety of colored paper and long triangles from light brown paper for the cones. Let children glue the ice cream circles on top of the cones and decorate with glitter.
Snack: Ice cream, toppings, plastic bowls and spoons, paper towels.
Devotion: God gives us food, and boy is it yummy!

Bible Party Themes For Preschoolers - Fun Ways to Teach Young Children About God in Sunday School

Denise Oliveri has been a Sunday school teacher for the past 13 years. She has taught children between preschool through 5th grade in this time. She is the owner of Preschool Sunday School Central, a site designed to help preschool Sunday School teachers find the best resources for helping with Bible lesson planning. There are tons of free resources just waiting for you to use.

Denise is also a homeschooling mom of three wonderful boys for the past seven years! She has taught electives for a local home school co-op, as well as taken many fascinating field trips with her children and husband. Homeschooling is a journey all in itself.

This article first appeared on on June 28, 2007, written by Denise Oliveri.